Hardware and software required for Raspberry Pi tutorial

In addition to Neuron Power Engineer, you will need the following to reproduce the steps of the tutorial:


  • →Raspberry Pi

  • →PiFace as additional equipment for the Raspberry Pi

  • SD card that meets the following requirements

    Requirements for SD card

    1. The SD card must have 4 GB memory at least.

    2. The SD card must be compatible to the Raspberry Pi. As there are numerous models of SD cards, Neuron recommends to purchase the SD card when purchasing the Raspberry Pi. If you want to use an existing SD card, a list of working and non-working SD cards can be found under: http://elinux.org/RPi_SD_cards

    3. An executable →Raspbian must exist on the SD card. Its download is possible under: https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/operating-systems/#raspberry-pi-os-32-bit – Best practice is to use the current Raspbian Lite version.
      A setup instruction for the SD card is available under: http://elinux.org/RPi_Easy_SD_Card_Setup – Proceed as specified within the section "Flashing the SD Card using ..." that is valid for your operating system.

This tutorial does not contain instructions how to use an →I2C bus with Raspberry Pi. If you need support for this usage, contact Neuron.


  • installation package logiRTS_Vx.y.z_Raspbian.tar.gz for the →runtime system Neuron RTS max that is to be used with Raspberry Pi
    This installation package is included in the delivery range of Neuron Power Engineer. x.y.z is a placeholder for the respective version number.

    Version for the runtime system to be installed

    Install the version of Neuron RTS max that is included in the downloaded package. See "Release notes for current version" for information which version of Neuron RTS max is valid for the current version of Neuron Power Engineer.
    But mind the following: If you are using versions < 2.3.602 of Neuron RTS max, there might be unexpected terminations of the licensed Neuron RTS max version on the Raspberry Pi.

Of course, you may use your favored tools to execute the corresponding tasks. However, best practice is to use the above-listed tools.